
COURSE Watching – Drawing.
This course approaches (learning) drawing in a perhaps unexpected way. He is very
suitable for people who think they can ‘not draw’, but would like to
to learn. It is my firm belief and experience that anyone who can see can also learn
to draw. But it is certainly also intended for people who already draw more, but now
want to approach in a completely different way. It is mainly told how to use the
main skill for drawing can improve: watching. You can take this course
DRAWING therefore can very well call a course WATCHING.
The Watch-Drawing course draws to reality. It does not go into the
first place to a certain technique. At least as important is a certain thought
about the ‘setting’ of the draftsman opposite the drawn object, the drawing and
to himself. Watching-Drawing combines a methodology and a philosophy that is derived
are from Betty Edwards’ ‘Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain’ and ‘The Zen of Seeing’ by
Frederick Franck. The meditative aspect in Watching-Drawing is important. You don’t want the course
only learn to draw better, but also try to bring ‘beyond’ the drawing yourself and give you one
look at the essentials of things. Wondering is like a ‘way’, a ‘path’. Not only
literally, but also in a figurative sense you will be able to learn to look with different eyes.
The course includes background information, which also remains useful. It should be possible
to continue independently after this course. However, a follow-up is also possible in the
form of a Workshop Watching-Drawing.