other works

Other Works(1982 until now)

A characteristic of my work as a whole, I think, is it’s diversity in styles and themes as well as in measurements and techniques. Part of my work can’t be exactly pointed into a framed category, because I cannot put them in a group of more than three together. Than again it may happen that these works at a future moment might form a group, but I guess there will always be a group of paintings, strangers to one another, that will be the group of ‘Other works’.

A characteristic of my work as a whole, I think, is it’s diversity, in styles and themes as well as in measurements and techniques. My work varies from still lives and landscapes to tiny pen+ink drawings with dead insects and large paintings of horses. During a period I made, next to other art work, some large paintings in acrylic, that were about nothing more than texture, color and gloss and which I called “Glazes”. No figuration, thus abstract. Observation although, reacting on on my visual sense, is seldom really disappeared, but the figuration in these paintings is gone. Still the sensing is important to me and at the same time I also paint landscapes in a rather traditional style. In the year 2017 I was working on a project that pays attention to the situation in Palestina/Israel. This resulted in four large paintings, together as large as Picasso’s “Guernica” from the year 1938. At that moment I was going back to figuration. Then early 2020 I had a heavy accident and was forced to work quite differently. It was impossible for me to make the tiny pen+inkt drawings of insects and making large artworks was physically impossible too. Oil pastel became a new material to work with, I used it to make small abstract drawings. Really abstract…? Reacting on my visual observation is important, in these drawings too… After a while I could, while standing at the kitchen table, work some larger again. 2022 I made abstracted landscapes and other themes that got the name “‘Flat’ paintings”. They are a continuation of the previous oil pastels, on the other hand they go back to the still lives from my time at the Art Academy, when I asked myself questions about line perspective, that in some cases didn’t seem to work…
The accident in March 202O made it impossible to use the lithographc press and the stones that I had purchased in November of the previous year. With a few colleagues we formed a group making graphical art. By and by something arises and here too my work varies: woodcut, etching and lithographs.

This way I can subdivide my work in things that have my attention for a shorter or a longer time, sometimes there is a linear order or a connection, sometimes it seems there is not, sometimes I work differently in the same period. Sometimes a theme is just for a very short while, but for the larger part, I believe, I’d like to keep it this way….

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