graphic artwork

During my Art Study I was following graphic art lessons in Wim van Veen’s classroom at Academie Minerva, Groningen NL. By the way, I didn’t do thát many graphic work, it were mostly composition sketches for things, prints, to make “in a not too far future”. Which happened for only a few: just a couple of needle points and few etches, a lino cut; most of them got lost, left behind in a drawer in the classroom; at that moment my interest was more focussed on painting. Many years later Pol Taverne, a fellow student during my study of becoming an art teacher, with a great interest for and experience in graphic art brought me back to the ‘graphical’ path. Once, long time ago, I had converted an old cast iron Miele laundry mangle into an etching press, by covering the wooden rolls with some steel ‘mantles’. A colleague, who moved to another part of the country, sold me for just a few euro’s his smaller etching press, one that was ment for the job. At the end of 2019 I brought a lithography press from Rijswijk to my home, once custom made for a colleague by Roco in Tilburg. I also got an amount of stones and other accessories .

Caused by a quite heavy accident in the spring of 2022, it is, for the time being, impossible for me to lift the heavy stones and to grind them. From 2022 the press is at Harm van der Tuuk’s workshop. He grinds the stones and is printing them, for other colleagues as well….

Harm van der Tuuk, Roel van Dijk, Judith Schmidt en I form a small group called “Geen Druk”: ‘No Prints’, ‘No Pressure’, but ‘No Stressing’ too…. We strife to make collective graphical editions and try to sell them via the site “Drukwerk in de Marge”, a Dutch network of people with a graphical background.

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