Glazes 2013-2019
At a certain moment, about 2013, while sitting in front of the fifth or sixth ‘horse-painting’, I was sitting working on a horse’s butt, just in front of it. Sitting like that I had no overview over the complete painting, the distance was less than thirty centimeters. What I saw was the texture of the relief, the color and the gloss of the acrylic paint that I had mixed with glossy medium. The layers of paint, in transparent colors over colors, made a depth that I had not really forseen but it attracted me very much. “For what do I need the figurative image?”, I asked myself, “If this is so appealing?” It almost looked like ceramic glaze. So it grew to be a new theme to explore…: color, texture and gloss.
I called these new style of paintings “Glazes“, to be looked at from a not to large distance, to see the depth caused by up to 20 or more layers of glossy acrylic paint. The paintings are up to about 3 meters, the broadest are 1,2×5,5 meters polyptychs, that might make one think of Claude Monet’s “Waterlilies“. By looking from not too far, one might be almost surrounded or even get immersed by the colors. I guess this might be similar to what should happen to the viewer, when looking at a Mark Rothko painting the right way…
Starting making these large abstract, color-field-like paintings converged with my new start as a visual artist, something I had denied for more than 20 years, not wanted to be part of the Art World and making the economic driven choice to work as a teacher.